Co-Working place

Co-Working Place 1 or 2 persons at Kunstfabrik HB55 Lichtenberg. 60 Squaremeter studio, a lot indirect lightning with Windows to North and East. Owner of the Studio is one of the european leading specialists for colormanagement (color calibration of printing presses, digital printers, displays, scanners and cameras). Studio equipment could be shared. This includes:

  1. Fineart Printing till 60×250 cm including:

    • Epson SP 4900 Printer
    • Laminating Equipment
    • Cutting Equipment
    • Several profiled Fineart Media
  2. Calibrated 27´´ Monitor

    Bring in your Laptop and use the Calibrated 27´´ Monitor for color critical work

  3. High-End Proofing System

    GMG Proofing System, currently the best proofing solution in the market to simulate Offset printing and other printing process. Could be used e.g. to create Proofs for Art catalogues. Also all GMG features for packaging proofing including GMG OpenColor are available.

Preferred Coworkers would be persons, which want to use the equipment for their own projects. Especially

  • photographer with faible for fineart printing
  • photographer offering art reproduction
    (I offer support for all prepress work to get the colors right in print)
  • postproduction artists
  • packaging designer (I´m highly interested for collaborative projects
  • print orientated graphic designer
  • print production specialist

Rent per month:

Labtop only incl. 27´´ calibrated Display:
190,- EUR + 19% VAT

Laptop plus a lot of additional equipment (storage place in cellar is available) :
to be negotiated.

Jan-Peter Homann

mobile: 0049 171 54 70 358


I have currently a lot of work outside berlin and be normally at the studio from wednesday to friday.
